Provides thought leadership and academic research and consulting services for big companies and public bodies to address shared economic challenges and raise their innovative capabilities. Specialize in convening innovation champions in companies, government and world class universities, thinking forward about how to promote innovation and the best use of intellectual property, in particular through co-creating open innovation eco-systems and communities, and piloting digital platforms where they see gaps and opportunities. Aim to develop practical research ideas into use .
Big Innovation Centre is also currently the Secretariat for two groups in Parliament, bring evidence into Politicians related to science and technology policy, regulation and the budget: The All Party Parliamentary Groups on Artificial Intelligence and The All Party Parliamentary Groups on the Forth Industrial Revolution). CEO Birgitte Andersen was the Rapporteur for the EU Commission representing the EU Expert Group on Knowledge Transfer and Open Innovation, and currently sits on the EU Expert Advisory Panel for Horizon 2020 - Societal Challenge: Europe in a Changing World – Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies.
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68 members