Department of Electrical and Information Technology Engineering (DIETI), University of Naples Federico II

It isn’t easy! But, we feel that the greater the challenge, the greater the reward.


The Department of Electrical and Information Technology Engineering (DIETI) is one of the largest of the University of Naples Federico II. Its staff includes over 150 full-time academic members, over 60 postdocs and 50 PhD students. It was ranked among the top 5 Electrical Engineering departments in Italy for research quality. The Department hosts 40 laboratories covering all areas of EE and ICT. DIETI was recently chosen from Apple to host and run the first Apple Developer Academy in Europe and from Deloitte Digital to host the Digital Transformation and Industry Innovation Academy.

The Department was recently appointed as one of the Department of Excellence (Diparimenti di Eccellenza) by the Italian Ministry for University and Research, and was granted a special fund of € 10.000.000 over a 5-year period. Its research includes theoretical, methodological and applied themes that can be broadly grouped as follows: Industrial applications of Electrical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Environmental and critical infrastructures, Networking and Computing Infrastructures, Automation and Robotics, Electronic Engineering, Biomedical Engineering etc.,


教育 大学


1001 - 10000 雇员


Chinese language

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