The final roadshow of “GoJianye Straight to Jianye” was successfully held!

In order to gather international innovation resources, deepen the cooperation between China and Russia in the fields of science and technology, talents and projects, and inject vitality into cross-border innovation and entrepreneurship, the final roadshow of “Go Jianye Straight to Jianye” was successfully held on December 1, 2022, organized by Nanjing Singularity International Technology Transfer Co!

A total of 5 overseas cutting-edge innovation projects competed in this roadshow, and 4 experts and scholars in different fields were invited as judges. Each project’s roadshow lasted for 8 minutes, and after the roadshow, the judges had a 3-minute exchange with the contestants. Finally, Schnell Lifi Optical Communication Project, NGR Next Generation Robotics Project, and CodeCrusier Low-Code Platform Development won the first, second and third place respectively.

The Schnell Lifi optical communications project is an incubation project of a leading German research institute. The company is dedicated to the development of a new generation of wireless communication technology. The technology enables the transmission of data between devices at ultra-high speeds using light as a medium, allowing communication with low latency, anti-interference, and high security. It can also be used in areas previously not covered by wifi, such as underwater. This technology is an important part of Industry 4.0.

The NGR Next Generation Robotics program is derived from a leading technology company in the field of railroad robotics, winner of several prestigious awards worldwide, developing high-end technologies in robotics and artificial intelligence for collaborative and wearable robotics. The core research areas are railroad robots for predictive commissioning and maintenance, advanced human-robot interaction modules, and artificial intelligence solutions for human motion analysis. The project has established cooperation with the Italian Metro Group and is actively engaged in pilot projects with CSR and Xi’an Metro.

The CodeCrusier Low-Code Platform Development Project aims to develop a hybrid low-code/code generator platform for rapid delivery of enterprise applications. The advantage of the project is that users can prototype any complex system in the platform configurator; and it is easy to use for multiple platforms such as Windows, Web, Linux, and Android.