The webinar series “GO China — Market Exploration” has come to a successful conclusion

The 6-week webinar series “Approaching China — Exploring the Market”, organized by Nanjing Xingang Hi-tech Industrial Park, Nanjing Overseas Innovation Center (London, UK), the China-Britain Business Council, the China-Britain Business Council and Global Technology International Technology Transfer Center, came to a successful conclusion on March 10. For overseas high-tech enterprises interested in the Chinese market to have a comprehensive understanding of the business environment and market opportunities in China, guide them to make business plans, so as to accelerate the landing and positive development in the Chinese market.

Webinars are held every Thursday morning (London time) and invite experts from various fields to give guidance on topics such as China market analysis, market opportunities and risks, landing preparation, initial operational guidance, business plans and common pitfalls.

Among them, Mr. Mark Hedley, London regional director of the China-Britain Business Council, explains China’s regional opportunities, city clusters, technology ecosystems and regional strategies. He stressed that China, the UK’s third largest trading partner and sixth largest export market, is a huge potential target market that cannot be ignored, but due to its size and complexity, thorough market research in advance is the key to success. Mr Paul Burrows, former deputy director of the Jiangsu Institute of Industrial Technology, stressed the importance of innovation and problem-solving ability and shared the concept that a good innovation ecosystem will effectively reduce the risk of newcomers, especially foreign start-ups.

Mr. Peter Tensen, CEO of GlobaltechIP, and Ms. Kristina Rayko, Director of GlobaltechIP UK, also gave an in-depth analysis of the differences between Chinese and foreign markets, as well as China’s unique entrepreneurial model and development mindset. Provides down-to-earth advice on how to develop a business plan and avoid common pitfalls.

This series of webinars is the first phase of the GoChina Launchpad program. Tailored by globaltechhip and strategically supported by Newport Hi-tech Park, the GoChina Launchpad program aims to help global high-tech companies understand and participate in China’s most vibrant business ecosystem. Since its launch on February 3, it has attracted around 100 companies and institutions from Europe and CIS countries to participate, including UCL, ABP, ChiltonComputing, BD Lab, Kazdream and others.

The GoChina Launchpad program consists of three phases: webinars, two-way matchmaking and resident programs. Through a series of mentoring, matchmaking and marketing activities, the GoChina Launchpad program supports overseas projects, comprehensively evaluates the feasibility of projects in the Chinese market, helps qualified candidates develop development strategies and business models, and explores and creates market opportunities. Develop a strong partnership and ultimately achieve smooth development in China.

Candidates who successfully complete all webinars will proceed to the next stage and begin the substantive landing process. Projects that perform well will also be invited to participate in an online roadshow at the end of March to compete for exclusive landing support packages.

Going forward, GoChina Launchpad will continue to serve as an interactive platform to connect innovative and entrepreneurial projects and high-end talents from China and overseas, and facilitate the efficient docking of resources from both sides to achieve great success in the global market.

Nanjing Overseas Innovation Center (London, UK)

Nanjing Overseas Innovation Center (UK branch), hosted by Nanjing Xingang High-tech Industrial Park, aims to introduce innovative elements such as international projects, capital, technology and talents to Nanjing and help Nanjing enterprises and projects go global. The Center will focus on international innovation resources and industries, and leverage the UK’s strong scientific research base and industrial background to accelerate the international transformation and upgrading of competitive companies on both sides.

Nanjing Xingang High-tech Industrial Park is one of the national pioneering high-tech industrial parks in China, with a planned area of 39.2 square kilometers. Focusing on artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, intelligent manufacturing and other industries, the park has gathered more than 3,000 high-tech enterprises, including Bosch, Siemens, Microsoft, LG, Frost Sullivan and other major foreign enterprises.

For more information, visit www.njxg.com或。