Disperse our productivity with AI 🚀

Everyone around them is talking about AI, but not everyone is using it!
We have collected our best cases on how to make your life a little easier with AI and our work much more efficient. Join our Mitap, where we will tell you how to include AI in your life!

🗓️ date: 09.11.2023
⌚ ️ Collection time: 18: 45
📍 location: Itmo, st. Lomonosov, 9, Oud. 4306
🪧 format: online / offline

🌟 what awaits you:
-we will tell you how we apply AI in our lives
-we will analyze the cases of AI application in the work
-we will talk and try to introduce AI into your life

💥 Plan: presentation with cases, after which we will have time to network with cookies and discuss your cases + think about how you could introduce AI into your life

☝ 🏻 for whom: it will be interesting both for people with zero knowledge in AI and advanced

👉 🏻 Registration is mandatory:

📌 join our AI partners community, if you have not already done so, here we immerse ourselves together in the world of AI