And you are on which side: use GhatGPT or write yourself? ❤ ️

And you have already heard that according to McAfee’s research (https: / / / blogs / privacy-identity-protection / could-chatgpt-cause-heartbreak-with-online-dating-scams /)
30% of men (and 26% of all adults) said they plan to use artificial intelligence tools to express their feelings in words?
But there is also the reverse side of the coin:
49% of respondents said they would have been offended if they had learned that the note they had received was made by a machine.

The Ingria team congratulates you on Valentine’s Day, wishes you love and harmony and calls for a ride of natural creativity this Friday at 17: 00 for the game “romance of the startup”.
Please register (https: / / / vnutrenee-sobytie / kreativno-delovaja-igra-romantika-startapa /), otherwise it will not be easy for us to manage this romatic startup chaos.
With love, your Ingria.