Nanjing Jianye Organizes “Go Jianye into Jianye” Series of Haiji Events

On August 14th, the “Go Jianye” series of Haiji events was successfully held in Jianye District’s Goldfish Mouth Foundation Building. The event was guided by the Nanjing Science and Technology Association, hosted by the Jianye Hi-tech Zone Administrative Committee and the Jianye District Science and Technology Association, and organized by the China-Russia Innovation (Jianye) Center, the Nanjing Jianye Haixizhi Base, and the Nanjing Singularity International Technology Transfer Co. Huang Xinglin, vice chairman of the Nanjing Association of Science and Technology, and Sun An, deputy mayor of Jianye District, were present to guide the event, which was attended by representatives of downtown organizations and about 30 foreign guests.

The event included the promotion of the “Go Jianye” Haiji program, sharing of cases of Haiji talent introduction, promotion of Haiji projects, project negotiations and exchanges, etc. The event aimed to strengthen exchanges between domestic and foreign enterprises and talents, expand the opening up of talents, and attract high-quality overseas innovation projects to land in Jianye. Sun An, vice mayor of the Jianye District People’s Government, said that innovation drive is essentially talent drive, and in the global innovation track where thousands of sails compete with hundreds of barges, talent is the “first resource” that will determine the future, and that as a modernized international city center, Jianye District is expanding the opening up of talent, standing at the head of the innovation tide, and using talent to develop business. The “magnetic field effect” is becoming more and more prominent.

At the meeting, Peter Tensen, CEO of GlobalTech IP, made a presentation on the “Go Jianye to Jianye” program. “Go Jianye” aims to build a harmonious and favorable international cooperation and exchange platform. Relying on GlobalTechIP and the St. Petersburg Science and Technology Park’s network of overseas innovation resources, the program solicits a wide range of overseas high-tech talents and projects, and conducts matchmaking meetings with potential local partners and clients to help high-quality foreign companies and talents with innovative and cutting-edge qualities to combine their ideas with their own, and to help them to develop their business in St. Petersburg. The matchmaking sessions will be held with potential local partners and clients to help foreign high-quality enterprises and talents with innovative quality features to join the Chinese market faster and better by combining their respective developmental positioning and highlighting their complementary advantages.

The session of sharing cases of Haiji talent introduction was then launched, in which the professor from Santa Ana University, the chairman of Artes4.0 Center, the CEO of Nanjing Bureau Veritas Medical Technology Company Limited, and the CEO of Jiangsu Nanjing Leobo Education Technology Company Limited, explained the situation of their cooperation in China, the progress of the project and the results.

Subsequently, representatives of overseas enterprises and talents who want to enter the Chinese market, such as Germany’s Schnell LiFi Optical Communication, Russia’s Exaurus Industrial Robot, Tertiarm Educational Robot, and UK’s Senior Professor of Robotics Gurvinder Singh Virk, demonstrated their innovative technologies and business models to a wide range of parties at the meeting. Representatives of technology-based enterprises, investment organizations and innovation platforms, such as Nanjing Microspace Technology Company Limited, Nanjing Fish Langzhong Information Technology Company Limited, Jiangsu Sumida Hardware Tools Company Limited, Bank of Jiangsu, Nanjing Galaxy, Jiazhi Fund, Jingyong Venture Capital and Ruzhifang Toon, also introduced their companies to the foreign guests. Representatives of the institutions and foreign guests freely asked questions and exchanged ideas, had friendly exchanges on the business roadmap and cooperation mechanisms for landing in Nanjing Jianye, and discussed in depth the possibilities of future cooperation.

Mr. Huang Xinglin, vice chairman of the committee, fully affirmed the activities in his summary. He emphasized that the Jianye Hi-tech Zone provincial Haiji base should continue to focus on the leading industries to find the entry point of Haiji work, focus on building overseas innovation institutions, international innovation enterprises, overseas offshore incubators and other types of platforms; to continue to strengthen the Haiji talent attraction, Haiji project landing, to contribute to the regional innovation and development of the power of Haiji; to strengthen the Haiji talent, project docking services, the use of the full range of preferential policies, and to create a Hai Zhi talents to live and work in the business environment.

The successful organization of this Haiji event is a useful attempt to deepen practical cooperation between Jianye District and overseas scientific and technological talents, injecting new impetus into Sino-foreign innovation cooperation and contributing to the sustainable development of Sino-foreign cooperation in the science and technology industry.

Overseas recruitment is an important model for Jianye’s innovative development. As a financial service center in the eastern part of the country, a business and trade center, exhibition center, cultural and sports center, and innovation and creativity center in eastern China, Jianye District will continue to implement a more diversified strategy for the internationalization of science and technology innovation, further deepen the exchanges of science and technology and humanities, build a multi-level platform for exchanges of science and technology and humanities, and optimize the environment for all types of Haixizhi projects to land in the area of development, The district will continue to implement a more diversified international strategy of science and technology innovation, further deepen science and humanities exchanges, build a multi-level platform for science and humanities exchanges, optimize the environment for the development of various Haixizhi projects, create conditions for good service, and create a new situation of win-win development.