Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Development Forum opens in Nanjing

The 12th Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Development Forum was successfully held in Nanjing on November 15.

Fang Wei, vice-governor of Jiangsu, hailed the province’s deep connection with Hong Kong and Macao, close links and fruitful results in cooperation. He also referred to the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which stressed the support to Hong Kong and Macao in growing their economies, improving their people’s lives, and resolving deep-seated issues and problems in economic and social development.

Fang said the province as an economic and trade powerhouse will earnestly implement the spirit of 20th CPC National Congress as well as policy of the CPC Central Committee regarding Hong Kong and Macao. 

Efforts will be made to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in many areas, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, trade and culture, and advance the common development and prosperity of three regions, he noted. 

The forum’s theme reflects the shared aspirations among young people for the homeland and the future, and it’s necessary to improve cooperation and help realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, Xu said. 

John Lee Ka-chiu, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Ao Ieong U, secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of the Macao Special Administrative Region also made speeches via video link.