June Innovation Week, Gathering Many Talents!

In the sweltering June, the enthusiasm for innovation and entrepreneurship was as warm as the sunshine, and global talents converged on Nanjing to inject new vitality and vigor into its development.

As an international technology transfer company focusing on bridging the gap between Chinese and foreign cooperation, and with the support and encouragement of all parties, Tiansheng has helped organize and host innovation events such as the China-Russia Innovation Forum, the China-Russia Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, and the Nanjing Innovation Week “Going Global” London – Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Forum.

1. 2021 Sino-Russian Innovation Forum

In the afternoon of June 21, the first headline event of Nanjing Innovation Week 2021, the Sino-Russian Innovation Forum, was successfully held at the International Expo Center Conference Center.

The forum event was hosted by Nanjing Innovation Week Organizing Committee, organized by Nanjing Science and Technology Bureau and Jianye District People’s Government, and co-organized by Tiansheng Technology. Alexander Shmanevsky, Consul General of the Russian Consulate General in Shanghai, Chen Linhao, Deputy Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Li Ping, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, and Shen Jianrong, Vice Mayor of Nanjing delivered speeches for the event.

With the theme “New opportunities for Russian-Chinese innovative cooperation in the context of new development”, the forum provided a powerful dialogue between Russian and Chinese high-tech talents and new ideas for the future Russian-Chinese cooperation process.

In the keynote speeches, the heads of four Russian and Chinese universities, including Andrei Rutskoy, Rector of St. Petersburg Peter I Technical University, Lu Yanqing, Vice Rector of Nanjing University, Vladimir Litvinenko, Rector of St. Petersburg Mining University, and Shan Zhongde, Rector of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered unique speeches on such cutting-edge topics as the basis and new opportunities for international scientific and technological cooperation between Russia and China, industrial transformation of scientific research results, the new future of Sino-Russian cooperation in green science and technology, and joint training of high-level talents for high-quality development.

Seven famous Russian universities and research institutions, including Sergei Andriushin, Vice Rector of St. Petersburg State University, held a unique “Rector’s Lecture” on opportunities, challenges and new models of Russian-Chinese cross-border cooperation through online interviews. In the session of “Round Table Dialogue”, 7 experts from Russian and Chinese industries, economy and academia held an online + offline cloud dialogue on the theme of “New opportunities for cooperation between Russian and Chinese innovation ecosystems” and discussed the huge potential and new connotations of Russian-Chinese cooperation in science and technology innovation. The theme of the conference was “New opportunities for cooperation between Russian and Chinese innovation ecosystems”. The theme of the conference was “New opportunities for cooperation between Russian and Chinese innovation ecosystems”.

At the forum, Tiansheng signed a memorandum of understanding with Nanjing Jianye High-Tech Investment Group and the Russian Internet Initiative Development Fund, which will focus on cooperation in science, technology and industrial innovation through the Jianye China-Russia International Accelerator platform. The forum is a high-end science and technology event that brings together international innovation resources, Russian and Chinese innovation talents, and accumulates Russian and Chinese innovation achievements, and it is also the first forum event for large institutions and research institutes in Nanjing, and its successful holding provides more possibilities for Nanjing to build an innovation ecosystem for sustainable development of Sino-Russian cooperation.

2. 2021 China-Russia (Nanjing) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

In order to gather international innovation resources, deepen Sino-Russian cooperation in the fields of science and technology, talents and projects, and enhance the vitality of cross-border innovation and entrepreneurship, Nanjing Science and Technology Bureau and Nanjing Science and Technology Association jointly decided to hold the Sino-Russian (Nanjing) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

At the beginning of January this year, as a co-organizer of this event, Tiansheng carried out in-depth matchmaking and project collection with Russia’s IIDF Internet Initiative Development Fund, St. Petersburg Ingria Incubator, St. Petersburg SP Science and Technology Park, Skolkovo Innovation Center, and Technology Transfer Office (tto) of famous universities. More than 60 Russian projects were collected, focusing on various industrial directions such as education and technology, life and health, artificial intelligence, and clean energy.

In the afternoon of June 9 and 10, the semi-finals of the “Nanjing Innovation Week China-Russia (Nanjing) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition” and the “China-Russia Innovation Year Invited Projects Group” were held in the Sunshine Roadshow Hall of the Goldfish Foundation Building in Jianye District, Nanjing. 20 Russian high-quality innovative projects were selected to compete for 8 tickets to the finals in the online showcase.

The final was successfully held in the afternoon of June 23 at the same venue. Zhang Zhixin, a first-class researcher of Nanjing Science and Technology Bureau, and Zhang Sihai, Standing Committee Member of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of Jianye District, attended the event and delivered speeches. Zhu Zhenguo, Director of Science and Technology Bureau and Secretary of Party Group of Jianye District, Tao Wenfang, Minister of Science and Technology Talent Department of Jianye High-tech Zone, as well as representatives of relevant departments of Jianye District and representatives of relevant enterprises of Jianye High-tech Zone attended the meeting.

After fierce competition, Robbo Robotics Education Club, ForBlind Communicator and Examus online learning supervision platform won the first, second and third place in the competition, respectively.

As one of the series of activities of the Year of Science and Technology Innovation between China and Russia, this event adheres to the mission of “gathering talents with the competition, attracting talents with the competition, promoting creativity with talents”, and continuously promoting cross-border innovation cooperation in Nanjing.

3. 2021 Nanjing Innovation Week “Go Gobal” London – Nanjing Technology Innovation Forum

In the afternoon of June 24, another important event of Nanjing Innovation Week, the London – Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Forum, was successfully held at the Jiangbei New District Conference Center. As a co-organizer, Tiansheng supported the preparation and holding of the forum.

The theme of the forum was “Urban Innovation in a New Development Model”. Mr. Zhu Jun, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of Nanjing Science and Technology Association, Mr. Chen Gumei, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area, and Mr. Dan Bridge, Head of the Mayor’s Office of Greater London, delivered speeches. Meanwhile, a number of officials from the Mayor’s Office of Greater London and a number of representatives from the innovation sector in China and the UK were invited to attend the innovation exchange event.

In order to strengthen the international cooperation between China and the UK in innovation development, Jiangbei New Area released the “Six Initiatives of Jiangbei New Area on Going Global” and launched the “Initiatives of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area on Strengthening the Open Innovation Cooperation with the UK”, from the measures of talent guarantee, office facilities and public platform construction.

Taking this forum as an opportunity, Jiangbei New Area will join hands with London to build a new model of urban innovation with Jiangbei and London, expand the cooperation channels with famous innovation carriers, research institutions and industrial capital across the UK, and promote the accelerated interaction of innovation elements of the two innovation ecologies.

“June has been a busy and fulfilling month for Tenson, intense and exciting. As a co-organizer of the above-mentioned events, Tenson will draw on its experience to continue to help Nanjing’s innovation ecology and cross-border cooperation, and provide inexhaustible power for the city’s high-quality development.”